Warglaives Rogue for sale
EU Region
Full Battlenet name change included
P̶r̶i̶c̶e̶=̶ 7̶0̶0̶0̶€̶
Price = 3500€
Premium WoW Account for sale
Level 70 Undead Rogue with both Warglaive(s) for sale!
⚠️Account rarity : Extremely rare
Important mentions:
✔️Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1 TBC Season 1)
✔️Merciless Gladiator (Rank 1 TBC Season 2)
✔️Both Warglaives
✔️Ashes of Al'Ar (rare & beautiful mount)
✔️BiS Phase 3 PvE Gear
📦 Swift Zulian Tiger
📦 4200 gold
📦 Engineering (max level)
📦 Enchanting (max level)
✔️Unique & rare titles
📦 Champion of the Naaru
📦 Hand of A'dal
📦 Infernal Gladiator
📦 Merciless Gladiator

Price = 1900€
Infernal Gladiator Rogue - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Rogue with Infernal Gladiator title for sale
✅Account region : EU
Important mentions:
✔️ Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1)
✔️ BiS PvE Gear (Full T5 - BiS Phase 2 for TBC)
✔️ BiS PvP Gear (Full S2 - BiS Phase 2 for TBC)
✔️ Ashes of Al'Ar (Rare & unique mount)
✔️ Epic Flying
📦 Blacksmith (Max)
📦 Engineering (Max)
📦 5210 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included

Price = 1800€
Infernal Gladiator Warrior - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Warrior with Infernal Gladiator title for sale
✅Account region : EU
Important mentions:
✔️ Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1)
✔️ BiS PvE Gear (Fury Phase 1)
✔️ BiS PvP Gear (Full S2 - BiS Phase 2 for TBC)
✔️ Ashes of Al'Ar (Rare & unique mount)
✔️ Epic Flying
✔️ Scarab Lord
📦 Blacksmith (Max)
📦 Engineering (Max)
📦 3800 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included


Price = 1900€
Infernal Gladiator Druid - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Druid with Infernal Gladiator title for sale
✅Account region : EU
Important mentions:
✔️ Ashes of Al'Ar
✔️ Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1)
✔️ BiS Resto PvP Gear (Full S2 - BiS Phase 2 for TBC)
✔️ Epic Flying
📦 Enchanting (Max)
📦 Engineering (Max)
📦 4800 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included


Price = 1700€
Infernal Gladiator Priest - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Priest with Infernal Gladiator title for sale
✅Account region : EU
Important mentions:
✔️ Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1)
✔️ Swift Zulian Tiger
✔️ BiS Disc PvP Gear (Full S2 - BiS Phase 2 for TBC)
✔️ Epic Flying
📦 Enchanting (Max)
📦 Engineering (Max)
📦 5200 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included



Price = 1800€
Infernal Gladiator Warlock - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Horde Warlock - Infernal Gladiator for sale
⚠️Account realm : European
Important mentions:
✔️Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1 Title)
✔️Swift Nether Drake
✔️Swift Zulian Tiger
✔️BiS PvP Gear (Phase 1)
✔️BiS PvE Gear (Phase 1)
✔️Epic flying
📦 Enchanting (Max)
📦 Jewelcrafting (Max)
📦 8000 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included

Price = 1600€
Infernal Gladiator Paladin - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Horde Paladin - Infernal Gladiator for sale
⚠️Account realm : European
Important mentions:
✔️Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1 Title)
✔️Swift Nether Drake
✔️BiS PvP Gear (Phase 1)
✔️BiS PvE Gear (Phase 1)
✔️Epic flying
📦 Enchanting (Max)
📦 Jewelcrafting (Max)
📦 4600 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included

Price = 1700€
Infernal Gladiator Mage - Burning Crusade (PvP)
Level 70 Horde Mage - Infernal Gladiator for sale
⚠️Account realm : European
Important mentions:
✔️Infernal Gladiator (Rank 1 Title)
✔️Swift Nether Drake
✔️Scarab Lord
✔️BiS PvP Gear (Phase 1)
✔️BiS PvE Gear (Phase 1)
✔️Epic flying
📦 Enchanting (Max)
📦 Engineering (Max)
📦 11,200 gold
📦 Saved up Arena Points & Honor Points
🔥 Full Battlenet name change included